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Do you like to surround yourself with art that speaks to you personally?
Do you enjoy the beauty of art and also want to invest in paintings?
So far, collecting art has been a closed book for you?
Then you are right here!
How poor would your life be without art that touches you?
Decorate your home or office with artwork that reflects your personality!
At the same time, by collecting originals or limited editions of high-quality prints, you can participate in the enormous increase in value on the art market - which is particularly interesting in the low-interest phase, when conventional investments hardly bring any profit.
Perhaps you will already find some examples on this page that appeal to you and that you would like to see in your rooms. By the way, all pictures shown here are my own works.
Why not combine the joy of beauty with financial benefit?
Register now and find out how you can start your personal collection - no matter if you can invest a lot or a little.
You will find out in four approx. ten-minute video sequences
5 good reasons
collecting art now
1. how positive the art market is currently developing,
2. that collecting art is also worthwhile on a smaller budget,
3. according to which criteria you can build your collection individually,
4. How to find your personal way to
5. To combine the joy of art with the advantage of a good increase in the value of works of art.
If not now then when?!
to the 4-day video seminar including newsletter. After you register, I will send you a ten-minute video via email on four consecutive days .
This allows you to look at the valuable tips on "collecting art for beginners" independently of fixed dates. The videos are accessible to you for one week.
Stay up to date with my monthly newsletter.
About me
my name is dr Birgit Reinemund. I am an artist with passion and mainly paint abstract acrylic paintings, often in mixed media, ie acrylic painting combined with collages, with charcoal drawings, oil pastels or various pencils.
Art and the art world have long been part of my local political commitment in my hometown, including in the cultural committee of the city of Mannheim and other bodies. Use my experience to your advantage!
Find out more about me, my studio and my works in my monthly newsletter, to which you also get access with your registration.